The Summitview Cowiche Veterinary Clinic offers complete veterinary services for companion animals, specializing in canines and felines.
Due to illness, disease or trauma, your pet may one day require surgery. While always stressful (for both you and your pet) there are a few basic guidelines that you can follow that will make the process as complication-free as possible and put your pet on the fast road to recovery.
Depending on the type of surgery, whether minor or major, our veterinarian will advise you when your pet can resume his or her normal lifestyle.
The clinic has sophisticated diagnostic imaging capabilities, a modern surgical suite and intensive care facilities, all of which are important in the diagnosis and treatment of difficult and complex diseases in your pet.
Common veterinary surgeries at our Yakima Veterinary Clinic:
- Spay & Neuter
- Dental Surgery
- Orthopedic Surgery
- Surgical Oncology
- Laser Declaw
- Emergency Surgery
- Ophthalmic Surgery
- Foreign Body Removal
- Wound Repair
- Cesarean Section
- Hospitalization for surgery patients
- Ear Crops - Boxers, Doberman Pinschers, Great Danes, Miniature Pinschers, Pit Bulls, and Schnauzers
- CO2 Laser Surgery Treatment
Most of the equipment, protocols and sterilization procedures we use are the same as those used in human hospitals. Your pet's safety during surgery is very important to us. That is why we offer and recommend the following for all of our surgical procedures:
- Pre-anesthetic blood work is done in house prior to surgery in order to ensure that your pet is healthy enough to withstand the surgery. Liver or kidney issues may not show symptoms but can cause complications during surgery and can be easily detected with our in house blood chemistry units.
- IV or SQ fluids. Intravenous or subcutaneous fluids will be recommended by the doctor on an individual case basis. Intravenous fluids help maintain blood pressure and thereby support your pet’s internal organs, including the kidneys.
- Anesthetic monitoring. Monitoring of your pet’s heart rate, breathing, temperature, and oxygen levels will occur throughout the operation and during recovery. A pulse oximeter is a piece of monitoring equipment that is used to register oxygen levels and heart rate. Your pet will be connected to a pulse oximeter throughout general anesthesia procedures.
- Post-anesthetic monitoring. We continue to monitor your pet during the post-surgery period to make sure he or she is recovering properly.
- Antibiotic injections are given in order to prevent infection.
- Pain medication. Injections of pain medication are given as needed.
Routine surgical procedures are scheduled at our veterinary clinic in Yakima during business hours - Monday-Friday.

Diagnostic Services
Ultrasound - Ultrasound has many uses. It is helpful for urine or fluid collections by way of cystocentesis, abdominocentesis or thoracocentesis. Our doctors can use ultrasound for abdominal or thoracic evaluations.
Laboratory - Many of our services are offered in-house by our veterinary staff to provide results while you wait. Some of which include: Complete blood count, comprehensive blood chemistries, coagulation times and thyroid levels,. In-clinic SNAP tests that provide rapid results for feline leukemia, FIV, heartworm, pancreatitis, and parvovirus testing. Other in-house diagnostic tests include: cytology, urinalysis, and parasite testing.
Our staff utilizes Idexx and Phoenix laboratories for send out blood tests, tissue sample histopathology and fecal testing for parasites including Giardia.
Digital Radiology - Taking x-rays of your pet is a non-invasive way to look at their bones and soft tissues. This is done very commonly and is extremely useful for diagnosis of broken bones, cancer, foreign bodies, pneumonia, etc.
Dental Radiology - Dental x-rays are taken prior to each dental cleaning in our clinic. Since most of the tooth is below the gun line, dental radiography allows evaluation of the entire tooth and can help in the decision to either remove or leave a tooth.
Ultrasonic Cleaning and Polishing - Dentistry is an important part of your pet's overall health. Signs of dental disease can include bad breath, pain with eating, not eating, and drooling. Pets should have a dental check-up yearly. This may be done at their wellness or vaccination appointment. Teeth will be assessed and cleaned under anesthesia. Pets are monitored closely to minimize risk. During the cleaning process a thorough evaluation of your pet’s teeth, above and below the gum line is performed. An ultrasonic scaler and hand instruments are used to remove tartar from the teeth. The teeth are polished afterwards to restore a slick, smooth surface. Finally, Oravet sealant is applied to prevent plaque from building as quickly.
Dental Radiography - In addition to routine dental cleaning, we also offer digital dental radiography. Dental radiographs are a very important diagnostic tool. They allow us to examine the internal anatomy of the teeth, the roots and the bone that surrounds the roots. Patients must be fully anesthetized prior to taking
dental radiographs.

Routine Preventative Pet Health Care
Puppy and Kitten Exams - To help the newest member of your family grow up happy and healthy, your puppy or kitten is examined every 3-4 weeks to develop an appropriate vaccination schedule. Our youngest patients need booster vaccines every 3-4 weeks until they are over 16-18 weeks. The Rabies vaccine is given at 16 weeks. We recommend at least 2 doses of a de-wormer and a follow-up fecal exam to protect from internal parasites. Nutrition, behavior and house-training topics are also discussed so your pet will remain a loved member of your family for years to come.
Annual Wellness Exams
An annual physical for your pet is not just about receiving vaccines. At a wellness visit, our doctors will examine your pet to evaluate its overall health, nutrition or possible problems. We will then try to tailor a vaccination protocol based on your pets risk for certain diseases.
Canine Vaccination Protocol
Feline Vaccination Protocol
Microchipping - Microchipping is a safe way to permanently identify your pet. We offer the Home Again microchip.
We offer Ear Crop Surgeries for:
- Boxers
- Doberman Pinschers
- Great Danes
- Miniature Pinschers
- Pit Bulls
- Schnauzers
See before and after photos in the Ear Crop Photo Gallery.
Companion Class IV Therapy Laser
Therapeutic laser treatments have many benefits including-decreased inflammation, accelerated healing time and decreased pain.
Laser therapy can treat a variety of conditions from post-surgical to acute and chronic diseases.
If you feel that your pet would benefit from laser therapy, please schedule a wellness appointment. Our doctors will perform an exam and create a customized treatment plan.
When needed, our clients are provided doctor's referrals to specialists in:
- Radiology
- Ultrasound
- Cardiology
- Surgery
- Oncology
- Ophthalmology
- Endocrinology
- Internal Medicine
These referrals can be either to local pet hospitals or specialist facilities such as the WSU Veterinary Teaching Hospital in Pullman, WA.

Nutritional Counseling
Prescription and Maintenance Diets - We stock Hill's Science Diet - OTC and prescription diets. Recently, we have expanded our selection to include Royal Canin prescription diets as well.
Dietary Counseling - We can provide guidance regarding your pet's nutritional needs for each life stage. This includes dietary requirements for growth, weight maintenance and performance. Three of our staff members are certified veterinary nutritional counselors. If you have any dietary questions or concerns, please call or make an appointment to discuss this with our doctors or staff.
Prescription Medication
Prescription Diets
Nutritional and Behavioral Supplements
Parasite Prevention and Treatment
Flea and Tick Products
Our in–house pharmacy is available for the medications your pet requires. Many formulations are available in liquid form or flavored tablets. In stock and special-order veterinary prescription diets are available to help treat a variety of diseases.
To ensure accuracy, 48 hours notice is requested by calling in your refill, or ordering on the Online Prescription Portal for a refill of medications.

Emergency Services
We are here for our client's pet emergencies. If possible, please call prior to your arrival to allow our staff to be prepared.
Typical pet emergencies can include: toxin ingestion, foreign body, hit by car, urinary blockage, porcupine quill removal, dystocia (difficult birth), c-section, difficulty breathing, seizures, etc.
If you need to self-refer to a 24-hour hospital, please see the list below or visit the previously listed Facebook page.
- Mid-Columbia Pet Emergency Services in Pasco, 509-547-3577
- Seattle Veterinary Specialists in Kirkland, 425-823-9111
- Pet Emergency Clinic & Referral Center in Spokane, 509-326-6670
- Washington State University Veterinary Teaching Hospital in Pullman, 509-335-0711
Follow this Facebook page to see updates in real time regarding Western Washington veterinary emergency wait times and who is taking patients..
End of Life Services
We are here to help assist however we can when you are considering euthanasia. We know it is so difficult to say goodbye to your pet. Please reach out if you have questions or are considering euthanasia.
What happens After?
You may take your pet with you for home burial, you may leave with us for remains handling, or you may choose to have our staff arrange for cremation. You will have the option for a complimentary clay paw impression made to remember your furry family member.

New Patient Forms
The first time you bring your pet to our vet clinic, we will ask you to complete this Client information Sheet. Please feel free to download, complete and bring it with you to save time.